Save Money. Go Solar.
All we need is your roof—
not your pocketbook!


Go Solar for $0 Down

With nothing out of pocket, going solar is easy!


Save Serious $

New Power™ customers regularly pay less to own a system than they pay the utility company to rent their power.


Lock-in Rates

While others continually pay more and more for electricity; your rate stays the same.


Go Green

Reduce your homes carbon footprint and make a difference for the future.

New Power™ and our customers

Savings Calculator

Solar power can cost you significantly less than
getting your power from the utility company.

Slide to select your average electricity bill

10% 30% 55%
*Year 1 Savings /yr /yr /yr
*30 Year Savings $ $ $

*30 year savings calculations are for estimation purposes only and assume consistent year over year home electricity usage and a 3% average yearly utility rate increase.  Please consult with your utility company to understand their historical rate increases.

Request a Free Custom Design

Fill out the form below for a solar
consultation and to learn more about how much money we can save you

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    or call: 800-980-9835

    For a quicker response.

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