Why Solar
How it Works
Own your Power
Your Home
Simple Steps
Solar energy is a cost-efficient and eco-friendly power source. The energy harvested from your roof is clean, safe, and simple. Going solar regularly gives families immediate cost savings and benefits the environment too. With technology use increasing and power consumption at an all-time high, energy costs are on the rise. Invest in your energy future now. It’s the perfect time to switch to solar.
Many people are curious about solar. Understanding how it works requires a science review. Solar panels collect sunlight, the direct current (DC) energy from the sun is converted into alternating current (AC)through an inverter. This allows your home to use consistent, clean, electricity straight from your roof. You can sit back relax and enjoy your new system for years to come.

$0 Down Ownership
With $0 down ownership we make having solar panels a reality. With ownership, your roof becomes its own mini power station, generating clean, efficient power right above you. STOP RENTING AND START OWNING! With a lease or a PPA you do not own the system and there are no personal tax benefits. With our agreement you can qualify for the tax credits and you own the system. Our plan comes with many of the same benefits as a lease or a PPA such as warranties and no upfront costs. The cost of our program is significantly less than a lease or a PPA and there is no annual increase to your payment.
Turning your home into a solar power station is a smart choice. With varying tiers, peak hours and constantly growing electric bills, it’s time you took control of your home, from the ground floor to the roof. After the following steps are complete you will have your own solar station.
First you will meet with a solar consultant who will present the financing options and working together you will decide what option will be best for you and your home.
Site Survey
A trained site surveyor will inspect your roof and measure your sun exposure. Using the most advanced suneye tool readings, our solar design engineers create a site plan that will work best for your home.
Our seasoned crew will be there early to start the job. Most installations take only a day. Then you will be ready for inspection.
Once your solar system is officially inspected we receive permission to operate from your local utility company.
Turn it on
After we obtain permission to turn your power on from your utility company the last step is for you to turn on your system on and enjoy the cost savings for years to come.
Temple HMurrieta,CA
What I like about New Power that sets them apart from the other Solar companies that have come to our door is that New Power doesn't charge anything up front. We were looking to save money and there was a $0 down payment. It was a really good thing for our family.
John E.Redlands, CA
All we have to do is wait for the bills, not to show up.
Chris G.Redlands,CA
No upfront cost made it a no brainer.
Maria S.
As soon as we turned on the AC, we could see that the energy bill sky rocketed, it went from $70 to $400 we knew that we needed to o something. It was a huge difference not only for the environment but also allows us to save on our energy cost.
Benny C.
Solar is good for the environment, good for our pocket, and a great investment for long term.
Allen & Sharon P.Highland, CA
Other companies have come, but New Power is the first company that we had a positive thing with.
Bill H.Redlands,CA
I am very pleased with the expertise and the neatness of the instillation crew. I haven't seen anything that I can complain about.
Carl & Deborah A.Highland, CA
Installers were very professional, they took the time to explain to me what was going on.
Cory J.
I chose solar because I was sick of being afraid to turn my AC on because the electric bill would be too high.